California Gold Rush

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Essay Database > History
The California Gold Rush Despite what most people believe gold was not first discovered in California in 1848. Even Sir Frances Drake, said that gold was "occurring in abundance" It is well documented that Spanish and Mexican settlers reported finding gold in southeastern California in 1775, 1812, 1814, and 1824. But it was not until 1842 that it caused great public interest. Francisco Lopez Rancho may have started the great exploration for gold when he found a gold nugget while farming …

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…California gold rush was a great reform in United States history. The discovery of gold completely changed the settlement patterns of the west, by causing great immigration and migration to California. The rush also gave Americans a sense of hope and adventure to start a new life with new wealth. John Marshall's discover at Sutter's Mill and those unsung miners who came before helped write yet another chapter in our great American history. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**