Calculator drawing

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
Leonard the Turtle I chose to draw a turtle for my final project because I needed something to give to my friend for graduation, and this gave me an excuse to draw one. I used several types of equations, including parabolas, ellipses, lines, circles, and sine and cosine curves. After finally figured out what everything looked like, the only hard part left was the animation. I got a little help with the program for the …

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…up until two in the morning the night before, trying to finish it. Had I had more time, I was going to draw a tree out of mostly lines and hyperbolas and parabolas, but I realized that to do that would cause me to not finish in time, thus giving me a bad grade on the assignment, so I decided to draw Leonard. I am really glad you had us do this, Dr. Mullins, thanks.