Cain And Abel

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Genesis 4: The First Murder In Genesis 4, The First Murder starts to show the darker side of the Old Testament. The characters of this story begin to exhibit examples of having to deal with emotion. It focuses on God's concept of sin and the consequences for violating God's laws. The story itself is short but filled with symbolism and meaning concerning good and evil while at the same time glorifying God. The story of Cain and …

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…against God. It maintains that men are weak by letting their emotions control their actions. When this loss of control takes shape in one's actions, then it is the embodiment of sin and God will punish transgressors accordingly. The story shows a moral code to be followed while also proving God's ability to forgive. His leniency in sparing the life of Cain shows that even though his power is great, his mercy is even greater.