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Essay Database > History > European History
Cafod is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. It is the official overseas development and relief agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Cafod has been fighting poverty in developing countries since 1962. Cafod believes that all human beings have a right to dignity and respect, and that the world's resources are a gift to be shared equally by all men and women, whatever their race, nationality or religion. Cafod is a member of …

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…some of the world's poorest communities. It also enables cafod to respond quickly to emergency situations. Hundreds of thousands of people campaign with cafod. Campaigns for fairer trade, for the cancellation of third world debt or for an end to the use of anti-personnel landmines have been carried out by people who want to change the way the world works - for the better. For cafod, campaigning is about challenging the root causes of poverty.