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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
For having a successful integration this process should occur in a two-way manner. Sometimes integration does take place in a one-way process but the results are always known. One of the very important factors affecting successful integration is the anti-hejab law. From the Islamic point of view the hejab is made for concealing the attractive parts of a woman's body and controlling the sex-appeal in a society. Islam identifies men and women on their reality …

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…affects on the mental and physical development of women." (). 25 Mar 2005 <>. The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights. "report on Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims in the EU-Developments since September 11." March 2005. Valls-Russell, Janice. "Growing up Muslim in France." New Leader 87 (2004). 25 Mar 2005 <>.