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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
C.S.I.S. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) was established in 1984 due to an Act of Parliament. At this time the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Security Service was disbanded. This Act of Parliament recognized the differences between law enforcement work and security intelligence. After 120 years of the Mounted Police acting in part with the federal police as Canada's security intelligence service, this partnership was brought to a close and CSIS took over. The …

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…Dissemination is the stage where the CSIS Act designates the Government of Canada as the main recipient of CSIS intelligence. In section 19 of the CSIS Act, the Service distributes a variety of reports, including threat assessments, to various departments of the federal government and law enforcement authorities. The RCMP depends on threat assessments to determine the level of security required to protect foreign diplomatic missions and Canadian VIPs. Below is the complete cycle put together.