CNG- The only alternative

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Essay Database > Literature > English
CNG- The Only Alternative Over the past hundred plus years the world has relied on oil as the mainstay fuel for vehicles, and this dependence has backed us into a corner. Many people have introduced solutions to this dependence, but unfortunately, none have been put into real world use. These solutions included Electricity, Hydrogen, Alcohol, and many others. All have been analyzed and scrutinized greatly since their introduction and many have great benefits over oil …

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…Answers About Compressed Natural Gas. International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles. 1 Oct. 2000. 5 Oct. 2000. <>. Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles. General Motors. 4 Jan. 2000. 5 Oct. 2000. <>. Hightower, Jim. San Jacinto College. The Candidates at Hand. Pasadena, TX, 6 Oct. 2000. Compressed and Liquefied Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs). California Energy Commission. 10 Feb. 1999. 5 Oct. 2000. <>. Usual Debate. Hannity and Colmes. Fox News Channel, New York City. 12 Sept. 2000.