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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
CASE STUDY INFORMATION PRACTICE SCENARIO This scenario is based upon women whom are terminally ill from breast cancer. Her name is Kathryn 32 years old with approx 3 months to live. She is married with a husband named Joe, which she is quiet, distressed about. He is awaiting trial on charges of theft from charity bins. He has been stealing to support his Heroin Habit of around $500.00 a week. He also receives a social security payment. Both …

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…stealing clothes from charity bins in order to provide for his $500.00 a week Heroin habit. The isolation of living in a rural setting where employment is hard to find and access to health care is limited, are of also great significance in his relevant situation. Combined with the added stress (psychological) of Kathryn's illness it is of no small wonder that Joe turned to drugs, in which he saw as his only escape from reality.