CALVIN COOLIDGE (1923-1929) (30th President of the United States)

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Honest, responsible, wise, open to new ideas and good public speaker are only a few of the characteristics we want and/or expected a president to have. We need a honest person that would work for the nation and not to please himself, responsible to trust the safety of the whole nation and it's citizens, wise to make good decisions to help us improve, open to new ideas to create new things to make our …

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…to deal with the problems and the way he worked with and for the country. Coolidge was a good president, even though he was not open to new ideas and not a very good public speaker, his honesty, intelligence, responsibility, leadership, dedication and a much more of the good characteristics opaque those two defects and make us focus and in the good things he did. <Tab/><Tab/>