CA Prop 187

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In 1997, the voters of California passed proposition 187 with a nearly 60% majority. The controversially initiative that would bar illegal immigrants from all state services, was soon attacked by partisan opposition. The legal initiative ended up in the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, but even before it was debated in court, Governor Gray Davis was already eclipsing the legal process. Aside from the gubernatorial situation, proposition was already a hotly contested issue among the populous. When …

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…for the proposition with little recourse. What Davis is doing is protecting himself from vocal opposition in the hopes that things will quiet down and he can be re-elected. It is surprising how similarly Davis handled a consumer-rights bill in the fall of 2001 by quietly storing it away. Governor Davis has been contradicting the will of the people of California instead of fostering it. It seems that if Davis subdues proposition 187 the voters have lost.