C.H. Sission

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
C.H. Sisson -born in Bristol in 1914 -very distinguished poet -in 1993 was made a Companion of Honour for services to literature -Carcanet published all his poems, translations and prose writings -abandoned the writing of poetry at age of twenty -started again eight or nine years later on battleship off of Freetown John Lennon 1940-1980 -born on October 9, 1940 in Liverpool England -Winston Lennon was raised by mother, Julia, and Aunt Mimi -father worked on ship -July 15, 1958 …

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…England -raised and educated at The Liverpool Institute -at 15 Paul met John Lennon -since 1990 Paul has traveled over 800,000 miles in concert through 22 countries -they set Guinness world record for largest stadium crowd of 184,000 in Rio de Janeiro -recently appointed Fellow of the Royal College of Music, the UK's highest musical award -developed interest in film-making -relaxes by painting, sailing and songwriting -Paul and his wife Linda have been married for 28 years -they have four children