By Using the spy genre, the appeals have been compared between spy films seeing what has changed.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
APPEAL OF THE SPY GENRE From the first Bond film produced to the spy cinema of today, the codes and conventions have changed from the secretive spying dramas to explosive all action flicks more related to the spy genre. By analyzing the exotic location, sense of adventure and deconstruction of societies rules it can be said that the codes and conventions have changed. In all spy films you get to go to exotic locations, which …

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…of the seat experience. What's a spy film without exotic locations, people want to be able to escape from everyday life in a spy film, because if it's just focused on a specific location where many people live it becomes not as interesting. The deconstruction of society's rules is what holds a spy film together without it, it would be a different genre. All of this is what creates the appeal of the spy genre.