Business law - tort law cases

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
YOUR TASK: READ THE PROBLEM BELOW AND PRODUCE A WRITTEN ANSWER The University of Rummidge organises a conference entitled "Law for small Businesses" which is followed by a luncheon at the Grand Hotel. Jim, a law lecturer, is a speaker at the conference and the conference is attended by Albert who has just started a graphic design business and Percy a well-established market gardener. At the conference Albert meets Barry, a fellow student from University …

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…easily violated by by-passing, he could have had some protection-way for the crops in his field. Or he might have signed economic insurance for his crops. So he could not get compensate for what he might earn from further fields of crops. To conclude, Percy can claim for loss rising from the first and the second damages, but not the third one. George had driven negligently which caused harm to Percy so George is liable.