Business etiquette can help you improve your chance of getting the perfect job.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
You have landed the perfect job interview that you have hoped for during all those years of college. You want to make a great first impression however, as you are getting dressed for your interview you can't even figure out what would be appropriate to wear or you can't think of what the proper way is to call the executive interviewing you. Well through out this speech I will tell you how proper business etiquette …

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…I have shown you how first how bad manners can take center stage during a interview. Then, tell why proper business etiquette is can help you land the perfect job. Finally, I have told you how you can achieve proper business etiquette. I hope next you are getting ready for your next job interview you will not be worried about how you will dress and how you will approach the next executive that interviews you.