Business econ article

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
High Cost Of Benefits In today's tight labor market, most business owners, small business included, recognize they have to offer better salaries and better benefits to attract and retain employees. Currently, 44 percent of the uninsured people in the United States are owners of companies that have fewer than 50 employees, according to the Cato Institute. "I would have bad teeth and poor health if it weren't for my wife," said CPA Paul Hense of Grand Rapids, …

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…I do not work right now so I do not really have a part in this. To make a stand and try to raise it I need all the past 401 plans charts and statistics and reasons and people who will help me take a stand so we can deposit more of our salary into our plans. Bibliography By Staff Writer Hope Hamashige CNN Money,, September 10th 2003, CNN Money