Business Education

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The Business Education (BE) Company, request a proposal on behalf of "Information Technology" group for Internet services both hardware and software in accordance with the requirements set herein. PROJECT TITLE:INTERNET HOME PAGE DESIGN, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES DESCRIPTION of PROJECT:BE Information Technology wants to issue a request to lease or purchase an existing online platform and create the online course for a client. Minimum requirements of contractor/consultant are described in the Scope of …

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…to affect the Certificate, thirty (30) days written notice will be mailed to Business Education, Contract Administration, P.O. Box 10102 Orlando, Fl 32822. G.The liability insurance policy includes a contractual liability endorsement providing insurance coverage for Contractor's agreement to indemnify Business Education. H.The coverage afforded under the policies is subject to all terms of the policies designated herein and meets all of the provisions called for herein. DATE: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: Jay Justison, Contract Manager (555) 123-5555