Bush and Gore make me wanna Ralph

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Bush and Gore Make Me Wanna Ralph DISCLAIMER: If you are planning to vote for Al Gore in November, good for you. Don't let what I'm about to say change your mind because I've been told by all the experts that if you do change your mind based on what I'm about to say, George W. Bush might win the election and I certainly couldn't live with myself if that connoisseur of pharmaceuticals (the kind …

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…in our hands...well, if even half of you show up and vote November 7 then you won't be held responsible for Bush winning the White House. In fact, you won't be held responsible for putting Gore in the White House, either. Rather, you will have made history by putting a true American hero at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And you will have given every company, every boss who's done ya wrong, the worst nightmare of their lives.