Bush Vs. Kerry write an informative using one of these modes: comparison/contrast, descriptive, cause/effect, definition, I chose to write this essay in the mode of comparison/contrast.

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Essay Database > History
Bush vs. Kerry A nation without its ruler is like a snake without a head. With no head the snake would not be able to survive. In order to have an efficient, united nation, the existence of a president is very important. Therefore the requirement of each presidential candidate is highly expected in the presidential election. In the 2004 presidential campaign, George Bush and John Kerry are the two presidential candidates who are similar and different …

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…and other new products. This would create a bigger, skilled labor force to invest in these jobs. In conclusion, one of these two candidates would become the President of the United States. Even though Bush and Kerry are representatives in two different political parties who wants to defeat each other to win the 2004 presidency, but they both want the best for America and try to accomplish their goals for the country with their unique, leadership.