Burning Books. The history of book burning, as well as a couple incidends when it occured, also tells when and where the practice may have started.

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Essay Database > History
The act of book burning is not a new idea, in fact it has been preformed over 2000 years ago. From the time that books made appearances around the world, there would always be someone to burn them. Most of the time books were burned out of fear. Some feared that certain books would make others smarter than themselves. Others burned books that held certain truths in them that they did not wish for others to …

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…because of a couple individuals' ignorant thought or beliefs of certain books. If they actually took the time to read the books that they were banning, I don't think they would have had the same view of the book, most of this I am directing towards the burners of Harry Potter. I myself haven't read this book, but of all the people that I know that have read it they had no problems with it.