Burden and difficulty of a single mother in raising her children.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Present statisticians estimate that half of all marriages will end with divorce. It is very normal to see a single parent family with a mother or a father in charge around us. It will also open in the air a question to us: whether a single parent can be successful in raising their children. In " Single parent: Successful parents?" by Deborah Black, the author writes:"... for a single parent, becoming a successful parent is a …

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…senses of well being. We need to do something to prevent the burden of single parent homes because their failure will hurt society somehow. Since there doesn't seem to be many ways to help the single parent children, we need to urge the society about the problems of divorce children. This is the time for us to stop the boosting of single parent family trend and give the fathers or mothers back to the kids.