Bulls On Parade

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Essay Database > History
Every country has their own culture, and like other cultures, Spain too has its own specific culture. Part of the Spanish culture revolves around the bull. Bullfighting and bull runs by many people are recognized as the only Spanish culture in the world, and because of its importance it always begins on time. Still many people view it as a crime. Me being a foreigner I have first hand experience with different cultures. A long …

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…for intelligence, in the second act the bullfighter sticks darts in the bulls shoulder to enrage the bull, and finally the bull and the bullfighter duel. Many famous people such as Pueblo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and Alexander Fleming have statues for their role in the Spanish culture of bullfighting and bull runs. Like other culture I believe in my culture and believe that the Spanish culture of bullfighting and bull runs will continue to flourish.