Bugsy Siegel

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Essay Database > History
Mr. Las Vegas Standing just a tad under six-feet tall, with a thick head of black hair and piercing blue eyes, Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel seemed to be a gangster sent from central casting in Hollywood. He was charming with the ladies and a sharp dresser, athletically inclined and fearless. Not only did Ben talk the talk, he walked the walk of an ideal racketeer. It seemed only certain that Siegel would end up with the …

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…Biography Video: Bugsy Siegel. Balsamo, William and George Carpozi, Jr. Crime, Inc: The Iinside Story of the Mafia's First 100 Years. Carpozi, George, Jr., Bugsy. Pinnacle Books, 1973. Cohen, Rich, Tough Jews: Fathers, Sons & Gangster Dreams in Jewish America. Edmonds, Andy, Bugsys Baby; The Secret Life of Mob Queen Virginia Hill. Jennings, Dean, We Only Kill Each Other: The Life and Bad Times of Bugsy Siegel. Prentice-Hall, 1967. Lacey, Robert, Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life.