Buffalo Clover

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The running buffalo clover is a native clover of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas. It once flourished throughout the grasslands of the eastern and central United States along streams and buffalo trails. During the last century its numbers declined drastically. It is threatened by habitat loss and competition with introduced clover species. Running buffalo clover is listed endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Running buffalo clover is a perennial …

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…As bison were eliminated, vital habitat and a means of seed dispersal was lost. Currently, running buffalo clover is restricted to managed sites where it was reintroduced and the two natural populations. However, other natural sites may exist, and landowners can play an active role in identifying and protecting new populations. Running Buffalo Clover Populations in the US. Arkansas-0 populations Illinois-0 populations Indiana-2 populations Kentucky-23 populations Missouri-1 population Nebraska-0 populations Ohio-12 populations West Virginia-8 populations