Buddhist Religion

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Buddhist Religion 1 The Buddhist Religion August 12, 2002 Mike Jones Dr. Doug Pukkett Religion in American Life PRE 323 Buddhist Religion 2 Historical Background <Tab/>The earliest evidence of Buddhism is found in the year 525 B.C. This was the year that Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha founded Buddhism. Buddha was born in Lumbini which is now known as Nepal (Columbia Encyclopedia). At the age of 29, Buddha began carving a path to one of …

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…www.religioustolerance.org. <Tab/>Leopold, R. A., What you do may just go down in history. Retrieved July 30, 2002 from the World Wide Web: www.heartlandsangha.org/history.html. <Tab/>Nattlier, J., Why Buddhism, Why Now? And why in America. Retrieved July 30, 2002 from the World Wide Web: www.ambedkar.org. Van Biema, D. (1997, October). Religion: Buddhism in America. Time. Retrieved July 30, 2002, from Electronic Library database: www.elibrary.com.