Buddhist Ethics

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Buddhism is one of the major religions of the world and has been for almost 2,500 years, although it does not always appear to be a typical religion. It differs from other religions in that Buddhism is not based on the belief in a divine power, such as Christianity or Islam. Buddhism is more a way of life and a learning process than a set of divine commands. This essay will define, describe, and analyze the …

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…place. Bibliography Works Cited Boorstein, Sylvia. It's Easier Than You Think: The Buddhist Way to Happiness. New York. HarperCollins Publishing Inc. 1995. Burtt, Edwin A. The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha. New York. The New American Library, Inc. 1955. Cutler, Howard, and the Dali Lama. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living. New York. Penguin Putnam, Inc. 1998. Mitchell, Helen Buss. Roots of Wisdom. Belmont, California. Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1999. PHI 220-01 Class Notes PHI 220-01 Class Handouts