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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Buddha The Buddha was not a god. He was a human who by medidation and thought achieved enlightenment. Many Buddhists say that the wisdom which he taught and which has now become Buddhist teaching and central to their beliefs, was not new and had been in the world from the beginning of time, it required the Buddha to discover it and reveal it to humanity. Introduction The Buddhist scriptures are very extensive. When the …

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…a bodhisatta on which the meditator can focus his or her concentration. Some thangkas are painted on walls, and some are designed and made on cloth so that they can be carried around. There will often be a chant or an explanation to accompany the visualisation, and the words which are chanted are an aid to concentration. Like the mandala, the creation of a thangka is often seen as a method of awareness and meditaion