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Essay Database > Literature > English
"I am not a man. Those evil influences, those lusts, whose non-destruction would have individualised me as... a man, I have completely annihilated. Know, therefore... that I am a Buddha." - Gautama Buddha, from the Pali scriptures (Goddard, page 5) Throughout history there have been hundreds of influential figures. Some are well-known for their charitableness or kindness, or for their supreme knowledge which contributed to the growth of humanity. Others are noted for their religious, literary, …

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…literature, architecture, philosophy and ways of life as there is today. Buddhism has survived the threat of cultural reform and has flourished in most continents across the globe. The Buddha himself may have foreseen the spread of Buddhism, and how his local following would never die if it maintained a pattern of new growth. When asked how a drop of water could be prevented from drying up, he answered, "by throwing it into the sea."