Bruce Dawe Presentation In what ways is Dawe an 'Australian Poet'? Illustrate your answer by referring to three poems in some detail.

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Bruce Dawe is Australia's most popular poet due to a variety of qualities of his poetry. His poetry speaks to the common man, is rooted firmly in the Australian culture and focuses on topical issues that are interesting and influencing life in Australia. In this presentation, I shall describe Bruce Dawe's unique qualities that made him the popular poet he is today, through examples and extrapolations of a few of his poems. First, a little …

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…Australian poetry scene. His use of Australian culture, in particular vernacular, speaks to both the average man and the most intelligent. His use of topical events such as war and sport and other issues like abortion also reverberate in the consciousness of the reader. If nothing else, the fact that we are studying his poetry in such detail in class today is evidence of his remarkable influence of Australian Poetry. Thank you all for listening.