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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The film Brubaker is based upon the book Accomplices to the Crime, by Tom Murton and Joy Hyams (1969). The book is out of print, but I would wholeheartedly advocate checking one's library as Accomplices provides valuable background to the film. Tom Murton served as superintendent in the Arkansas Prison System from February 1967 to March 1968, and he was the technical advisor for the film. Another valuable source is the three audiotapes titled, "Tom Murton--Reform Warden," which …

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…from viewing this film. All of us working within the framework of large scale formal organizations will find much to think about in viewing it. We have much to think about as we play the game, as we play politics, as we decide whether we must compromise. Any individual who desires to be part of the solution to the problems we encounter in our world will find much to think about in the film Brubaker.