Brothers are Inseperable

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
"Good night mom and dad; I'll see you in the morning, and I'm really sorry." Michael said as he trudged up the stairs. It was just a couple days before Christmas, and ever since Michael and Ben had gotten out of school for Christmas break, Ben had spent every night out with his friends. "I always have to be home by 10:00 no matter what. It's not fair; I'm 15 years old, I'm not a child anymore …

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…I give my love to you; A love which no one can steal. Ben, I love you so much, Michael Ben folded the poem and put it back into the envelope. Michael looked up at his older brother and as Ben looked at him they both started crying. While the two boys sat there crying and hugging each other, Michael realized how special Ben was to him. He never wanted anything to separate them again.