Brittish imperialsm in india

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Essay Database > History
Between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, European nations flourished. They gained control over a majority of the Western Hemisphere. From 1880 and 1914, Western powers set out to gain power in many places such as Asia, India, Africa, and the Pacific. The western European domination was known as imperialism. The Europeans believe that it was their God-given Europeans, but it ruined the lifestyle and took away freedom for the native Indians. During the 1700s, a joint-stock company …

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…and humanitarian reasons, Britian's powerful nations have often interfered with the affairs of weaker nations. Britian's powerful nations have in the past exploited less fortunate ones for resources, capital, and knowledge. Yet in return, India has gained the technology and capital that, over a period of time and development, improved its quality of life. Indian economy was transferred into a colonial economy whose nature and structure was determined by the needs of the British economy