British tight control on American colonies DBQ

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Throughout the mid- to late 1700's Britain faced many debts and those debts are thrown on to the colonist back's. Thne main reason for this action was because of Britain's resentment towards colonies for lack of financial help throughout the war. The lack of help during the war angers Britain and they feel a need to tighten their control over the daughter colonies. Many measures are taken by America to resist the new changes that …

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…favor on sugar. These turned America's economy from a rising status to a declining one. And Britain faced the same scenario. All of these acts set up resentment in the colonists hearts towards Britain and created unity among all the colonies. These are two very powerful outcomes of the French and Indian War that makes America what it is today . Our Constitution is partly derived from the mistakes of Britain and how to fix them.