British Occupation of India led to a Negative Effect

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Essay Database > History > European History
The British first entered India when it was under the Mughal rule in the late 1500's and the early 1600's. The Mughal rule was rising and so they openly welcomed these western traders. But by the 1700's, the Mughal rule declined and the British East India Company (BEIC) had established themselves in India and immediately started taking over the little kingdoms that had formed. By 1820 they had control of nearly half of India. They converted …

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…of the British rule once and for all. Many lives were lost, while many were sacrificed but the result was sweeter for the Indians than any honey could ever be. But even this freedom had great costs. Millions of lives were lost and lives are still dying because of the Hindu-Muslim riots. None of this would've happened if the Englishmen never exercised hegemonic powers over India. The negative influences clearly out weighed the positive ones.