British Army Transformations from 1645-1913. this is part 2: Seven Years War to Crimean War. Each part is 20 pages!!

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Essay Database > History > European History
As Britain began to spread its Empire around the globe, it was only a matter of time before the European power struggle would ignite another conflict. The War of Spanish Succession indirectly carried over to the War of Austrian Succession (1739-48), which was quickly followed by the Seven Years' War (1756-63) that extended as far as North America as the French and British battled for territory in the New World. As the standing army swelled …

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…precursor to the deadly application of the science of warfare that disintegrated Pickett's men during his charge at Gettysburg eight years later, when the Union mini-ball proved much superior to the Confederate musket). In the end, the Crimea did help the British gain a foundation to remedy the Army's inadequacies in logistics and weaponry, it proved the field-hygiene practices were still abhorrent--two-thirds of the casualties of this war resulted from disease, not bullets.