British Airways plc

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Introduction The predecessor of British Airways was Imperial Airways - a colonial instrument, which linked the British Empire. From this evolved the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), which was merged with British European Airways (BEA) to create British Airways. Even after privatisation, British Airways retained the image of being reserved, professional and formal. Each year, British Airways transports 40 million consumers to 162 destinations. Sixty percent of the firm's business originates overseas. In the nine months ending …

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…about 14 hours), some passengers complained when they discovered that they had been assigned such seats without being told that they would not be able to view the screen. Table I. 1997 airlines earnings (in millions of US dollars, based on exchange rate March 31, 1998) Table II. The best white wines business class (1998 Cellars in the Sky business class wine judging) Table III. The best sparkling wines in business class (1998 Cellars in the Sky business class wine judging)