Britains salutary neglect

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Essay Database > History
Britain's salutary neglect of the colonies proved very beneficial for the development of American society. The policy of salutary neglect influenced the development of American society. It gave the colonies a chance to govern themselves and to develop separately from England. Whether it is our legislative assemblies, commerce, or religion, each was influenced by Britain's neglect. In the process America became self-reliant and experienced in the art of self-government. By allowing the colonies to function …

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…founding blocks of our nation and it separates us from the rest of the world. Our nation would still be under the shadow of Britain if they had not been so lenient toward the colonies. Our influences are best shown through our legislature, commerce, and religious diversity. Without Britain's policy of salutary neglect, we would still share the same ideals and views as Britain and would never have become the superpower that we are today