Britain's Genocide: The Irish Potato Famine

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Essay Database > History
Can you imagine in your country 1,100,000 people dying from disease or starvation, in addition to one and a half million others desperately immigrating to other countries in an attempt to escape the overwhelming sickness and fatality? (AIrish Potato Famine@) Try to imagine the government that controls you and is responsible for your well being, almost totally neglecting to even acknowledge or take charge of this problem until it is too late. If one looks at …

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…commemorating the famine. He recognized the failure of Athose who governed in London at the time... through standing by while a crop failure turned into a massive human tragedy.@ Mr. Blair also mentioned AWe must not forget such a dreadful event.@ (qtd. In Donnelly) He is absolutely correct. Though disgraceful to Britain, all people should still remember how little compassion or concern Ireland received in order to learn from this grave mistake for the future.