Britain's Economic Performance after WW2

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Britain's Trade and Finance after WWII The war, which broke out in September 1939, like the First World War, raised a host of supply problems, which could not be resolved satisfactorily by market forces alone. Once more, Govnerment had to take steps to control the economy and limits had to be placed on personal liberty. From May 1940 the country was governed by coalition of Conservatives, Labour and Liberals under Churchill, and Labour ministers played a prominent …

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…Fiscal Year 2000. Wright, J.F., Britain in the Age of Economic Management: An Economic History since 1939, Oxford University Press, 1979. Britton, D.K., The British Economy 1945-1950, Oxford University Press, 1952. Clarke, R., Anglo-American Economic Collaboration in War and Peace, Oxford University Press, 1982. Dow, J.C.R., The Management of the British Economy 1945-60, Cambridge University Press, 1964. Van Dormael, A., Bretton Woods: Birth of a Monetary System, Macmillan, 1978. Williams, P., Huge Gaitskell, A Political Biography, Jonathan Cape, 1979.