Britain: A Thieves' Paradise .

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Americans should be thankful they live in a country that takes crime seriously and is fighting it with growing success. Not so long ago, one source of anti-Americanism in Europe was the belief that crime was out of control in the U.S. But things have changed significantly: U.S. crime rates now compare favorably with Europe's--and unlike Europe's, they are going down, not up. These disparities are the result of government policies more than …

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…the same time an enormous new campaign has been launched by Scotland Yard to deal with so-called hate crimes, most of which constitute spoken words that the politically correct claim are offensive to minorities. The treatment of crime in Britain shows a historic shift away from the protection of life and property toward the pursuit of ideological ends. This is one of the reasons I advise young people nowadays to immigrate to the U.S.