Brief notes on Dance postmodernism

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Post modernism War in Vietnam Time of women's liberation Old dance forms were not up to date with cultures Judson church movement Sharon Davis 1960's Freedom to dance without censorship Baptism memorial church originally lead by Robert Dunn First performance - 'Free' and lasted 3 hours Proposes a dancer can be better through technique 1970's Trisha Brown (Started her own company) Robert Dunn - transformed music into 'Chance' choreography Made hard movements, so people could not …

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…He was a New York artist that asked to put a piece of his controversial work into an exhibition. He used an upside down urinal and signed it R.Mutt, it is a good object, but we associate as a disgusting object. He was challenging art, people were ignoring these ideas. Modern works seem to show how to communicate something & Post modern seemed to be questioning the textures and complexities of real life.