Brief article about Ms Ida B. Wells.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Fellow African-Americans and Friends We are gathered here on this earth as one. A crucial element in today's society is in the struggle of African-Americans for equal treatment under the law. In fact, a well-known fighter for the rights of all human beings is Ms. Ida B. Wells-Barnett. Your presence here today expresses your concern and shows that you are ready to come together to make a difference from this day forward. I appreciate your …

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…reasons" given to lynch black men, which had become a common occurrence. Wells remained active in her anti-lynching crusade and became a worker for women's suffrage. She joined W.E.B. DuBois and was one of two African-American women to form the NAACP. Along with other black women, she marched in suffrage parades, and worked to block the segregation of schools in Chicago. By joining the fight for equality, justice can be served. Thank you.