Brief Notes on Eugenics

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
What is eugenics? Eugenics was an effort to breed better human beings by encouraging reproduction for people with good genes and discouraging reproduction for people with bad genes. What were eugenicists attempting to do? Eugenicists advocated for legislation that separated racial and ethnic groups, restricted immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, and sterilized people thought to be "genetically unfit." Social Origins How did the social and economic problems after the Civil War, Social Darwinism, and …

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…should also be judged. Competitors submitted a record of family traits and medical doctors performed exams on family members. Most winners were white with northern and western European heritage. Eugenic Goals and Education At its peak, eugenics was supported by many eminent Americans. Roosevelt complained that middle class was not having enough children. The eugenics movement was studied in school as family management. The ERO published self-help booklets. Many high school biology text embraced eugenics.