Brief History Of Electricity.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Electricity is important in our everyday lives. It is essential for almost everything in our modern world. The knowledge learned in the past about electricity enabled such things as engines, telephones, radios, computers, and much, much more. As early as 600 B.C., the Greeks were already studying electricity. They noticed that if you rubbed a piece of amber with fur, it had a charge with the ability to attract small objects. Many years later, in …

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…electric power station in the business district of New York City in 1882. On the day Edison Electric Illuminating Co. opened, 85 customers could light their electric lamps. This was only the beginning. Once people began to learn to harness electrical power, it revolutionized our society. Today we take the advantages of electricity almost for granted. Whenever there is a power outage, it doesn't take long for people to realize how dependant they have become upon electricity.