Brief Biography of Tennesse Williams' life and the theme of societies destructive impact on non-conformists, in two of his plays, The Glass Menagerie, and A Streetcar Named Desire

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Tennessee Williams was born, Thomas Lanier Williams on March 26, 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi. His father was a shoe salesman who spent a great deal of his time away from the family. Williams had one older sister, Rose, and one younger brother. Williams struggled with depression throughout most of his life. For periods of his life Williams battled with addiction to prescription drugs and alcohol. At a young age he suffered a nervous breakdown, and he lived …

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…sband to kill himself by describing his sexuality as disgusting. And Tennessee died by swallowing a top to an anti-depressant, which he was taking to help cope with the death of his lover. Williams' theme of societies destructive impact on non-conformists is very visible in his two plays, The Glass Menagerie, and A Streetcar Named Desire. And the origin of his theme is apparently a result of his own problems that he faced in life.