Brief Biography of Benito Mussolini

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945). The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was the head of the Italian government from 1922 to 1943. Mussolini was a Fascist dictator, and led Italy into three successive wars, the third of which brought the end of his regime. Mussolini grew up in a Middle-Class family, with his father working as a blacksmith and his mother working at an elementary school. At the age of 18, in 1901, he got his Diploma and taught secondary school for …

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…to save him and he escaped, to become the head of the Fascist government set up in Italy earlier, by Hitler. In April 1945, the time of Germany's collapse, Mussolini was captured and after a short court-marshal, was shot alongside his mistress Clara Petacci. Their bodies were taken to Milan and hanged in the public square, before then being buried in an unmarked grave. His body was recovered later and in 1957 placed in his family's vault.