Brett Whitely: a brief frames analysis

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
<b>Subjective</b> Used art as a method of expressive self-exploration. 'I paint in order to see.' His artworks moved from being political protests to being focussed on the not-so-quiet intimacies of his private life. "Politics, travel, social consciousness, self-analysis, philosophical speculation and youth took second place to one over-riding obsession - to paint pictures of beauty." (Brett Whiteley, by Sandra McGrath, 1979) Experimented with different, mind-altering drugs to influence his …

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…limited colour range, often worked in white + black or one other colour. Often skips narrative information + detail, more emphasis on forms, curves + swellings that hint toward vague details. Much style dislocation - didn't just paint in one style, but many, often within the same painting. <b>Post-Modern</b> Despised the idea of tradition, suburbia, family values etc. Very iconoclastic. Liked to shock the rest of the art world, art critics etc.