Breakfast of Champions:Languag

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Essay Database > Literature > English
America has grown into a very capitalistic, consumer-targeting society. Advertising is a gimmick that markets have been using to target the consumer audience. Although some look at the growing consumer oriented markets as progress, Kurt Vonnegut uses his novel Breakfast of Champions to downgrade the whole issue of advertising and consumerism. He emphasizes how the market economy has become incorporated into our language, has manipulated our actions, and has had a somewhat adverse effect on …

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…our whole use of language. Our society is constantly changing and shifting, and becoming more materialistic. The producers are becoming more and more aggressive, and our lives are going to be controlled by them. Vonnegut addresses this problem in order to open our eyes and to not let us get sucked into the vacuum of the marketing world. The longer this goes on, the more American society is going to fall under a consumer-targeting dictatorship.