Breaker morant film

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J.F. Thomas, played by Jack Thompson, was an intelligent man and well versed in his profession, although it didn't seem this way in the beginnings of this case. As is clear to the viewer, he is unorganized, aloof, and unconfident. This is seen in the scene that introduces him to the movie (Show scene). Notice how he is clumsy, and keeps dropping the papers. As we journey further into the trial, Thomas's confidence grows. …

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…Laws that set unrealistic standards either are ignored or are perceived as moralistic posturing. These laws become symbolic laws only. Moreover, those who apply the law must be willing to apply the law to themselves, and be willing to be judged by the same standards applied to others. If legislators, prosecutors, judges, or administrators enforce laws that they would not apply to themselves, they are properly subject to accusations of hypocrisy for applying double standards.