Break Dance

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Break Dancing Break Dancing or B-boying is a form of hip-hop dancing, which is popularly known as breaking. It consists of top or up rock, footwork, spinning moves (power moves), and freeze. B-boying came from Bronx, NY. The term "B-boy" or "B-boying" was created by Kool Herc who was a DJ spinning at block parties in Bronx back in the days. B-Boys means break boys and they were called so because they dance to the …

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…that it was done by the support of real b-boys who never quit b-boying even during the winter period of b-boying. As far as I know, it was California where b-boying gained its popularity again early. Nowadays, B-boy events such as B-BOY SUMMIT and ROCK STEADY ANNIVERSARY are organized every year and many b-boys from all over the world get together and keep the culture alive and even try to take it into next level.