Bread Givers

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
bread givers What it Means to Be a Female Immigrate In the novel, Bread Givers, author Anzia Yezierska tells the story of life as an immigrate in the Untied States. For many immigrates, the U.S. was the key to a better life; a life free of economic depression and religious oppression. America was a fantasy to many. Sara's father lectures to his wife about not needing a feather bed; "Don't you know it is …

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…get a job without a great deal of hassle, furthermore they were not ridiculed when the desire to attend college arouse. Women in contrast, had to fight for respect and opportunities. In the end, Sara was able to break her ties with the "Old World" and become an American. This was not a simple path and took much time. It was not laziness, or lack of ambition that delayed her quest; it was her gender.